Regular price $24.00

Tax included.

MAGNOLIA, by the Layo Teraga Coffee Washing Station (CWS)



PRODUCER(S): Approx. 500 Smallholder Farms at Boye Coffee Washing Station.

TASTING NOTES: Sweet & Floral with Strawberry, Lemon & Peach Snapple.

ORIGIN(S): Uraga, Guji.

WASHING STATION:  Layo Teraga (CWS) - Site 2

GENEALOGY:  Ethiopia Landraces.

ELEVATION2300 m.a.s.l.


IMPORTER & F.O.B.: USD $13.36/kg via Maya at Crop to Cup


ORIGIN STORY: Established in 1976 and renovated in 2000, the Layo Teraga Coffee Washing Station (CWS) serves as a central hub for approximately 500 small-scale farmers in the Haro Wachu region. The farmers typically cultivate multiple crops alongside coffee, resulting in small, mixed lots. The station boasts five key collection centres, with three dedicated to processing washed coffee and two for natural coffee. This year's harvest originates from the 'Boye' Center, also known as 'Site 2'.


THE FLAVOURS:  Magnolia is a love letter to exceptional coffee, carefully roasted to accentuate sweetness and vibrancy. Layo Teraga's unique flavour profile, characterized by rich stone fruit notes, a deep brown sugar foundation, and hints of lemon curd and hibiscus, makes it an ideal match for Magnolia's signature style.



“Legendary Things Arise from Fire!”™ — Phoenix Coffee Company Inc.

"De la braise, au légendaire!"™ — Phoenix Coffee Company Inc.

** SHIPPING:To ensure timely delivery, shipment of in-stock coffee orders is made on the same day or next business day. In most cases, your order will be added to this weeks roast cycles, and dispatched as soon as the freshly roasted beans are ready!

**PICK-UP ORDERS:Before making your way to the pick-up location, kindly await the confirmation email indicating that your pickup is ready.