Regular price $24.00

Tax included.



PRODUCER: Olga Calle

TASTE: Sweet & Floral with Wild Blackberry & Caramel Sauce.

ORIGIN(S): Santa Rosa, Cajamarca.

FARM: El Romerillo.

GENEALOGY: Caturra &  Bourbon.


PROCESS: Fully Washed.

IMPORTER & F.O.B.:  $9.59 usd/kg via Saly at Cafe Imports..

ORIGIN STORY: Located in the highlands of Santa Rosa, Cajamarca, Olga Calle's El Romerillo farm is a two-hectare haven where innovation meets tradition. With a focus on Caturra and Bourbon varieties, Olga is committed to producing high-quality coffee. Her meticulous process involves de-pulping and fermenting ripe coffee cherries for 26 hours, followed by a slow 20-30 day drying period. This dedication to craftsmanship has earned her a spot in the esteemed Cafe Imports microlot program, which celebrates innovativen producers. As a result, Olga's coffee is a dynamic, flavourful delight that showcases her passion and expertise.

FLAVOUR: Magnolia is my love letter to coffee. It is always those special and unique coffees roasted for sweetness and vibrancy. In Olga's exceptional coffee, the harmonious blend of wild blackberry, lily, hazelnut, and caramel flavors is what sets this coffee apart, making it a true love letter to the senses.



“Legendary Things Arise from Fire!”™ — Phoenix Coffee Company Inc.

"De la braise, au légendaire!"™ — Phoenix Coffee Company Inc.

** SHIPPING:To ensure timely delivery, shipment of in-stock coffee orders is made on the same day or next business day. In most cases, your order will be added to this weeks roast cycles, and dispatched as soon as the freshly roasted beans are ready!

**PICK-UP ORDERS:Before making your way to the pick-up location, kindly await the confirmation email indicating that your pickup is ready.