Sale price $19.00 Regular price $25.00

Tax included.


TASTING NOTES: Sweet & Floral with Concord Grape, Blackberry & Caramel Sauce.

ORIGIN:  PERU - Namballe, San Ignacio, Cajamarca.

FARM: La Chonta.

GENEALOGY:  Catimor & Caturra.

ALTITUDE:  1503 m.a.s.l.

PROCESSING:  Fully Washed.

F.O.B. & IMPORTER: $11.03 usd/kg via Aleco at Red Fox.

ORIGIN STORY: Floral and sweet notes combined with Concord grape, blackberry, and caramel sauce define this coffee from La Chonta, located in Namballe, San Ignacio, Cajamarca. It features Catimor and Caturra varieties cultivated at an altitude of 1503 meters and is fully washed. The price is set at $11.03 USD per kilogram through Aleco at Red Fox. Ronar, who has dedicated himself to coffee since the age of 15, manages his 3-acre La Chonta farm which lies at the picturesque edge of the Tabaconas Namballe National Sanctuary. While his primary focus is coffee, he also grows bananas and yucca, supplementing shade with Albizia and Pacay trees. As the name "La Chonta" suggests, the farm is abundant with various plants, fostering a vibrant ecosystem. 

THE FLAVOURS: Magnolia represents a heartfelt tribute to coffee. It is always those exceptional crops thriving in bloom, skillfully roasted to highlight their sweetness and liveliness. With its pronounced grape acidity complemented by a cooked berry and caramel aftertaste, Ronar’s coffee aligns beautifully with the essence of Magnolia.


“Legendary Things Arise from Fire!”™ — Phoenix Coffee Company Inc.

"De la braise, au légendaire!"™ — Phoenix Coffee Company Inc.

** SHIPPING:To ensure timely delivery, shipment of in-stock coffee orders is made on the same day or next business day. In most cases, your order will be added to this weeks roast cycles, and dispatched as soon as the freshly roasted beans are ready!

**PICK-UP ORDERS:Before making your way to the pick-up location, kindly await the confirmation email indicating that your pickup is ready.